Temporary attention redirection notice for the short of attention
If you're bored of this page never being updated, wait until May 15th. That's when school is over. It also means summer is on its way and in order to keep up my healthy American Pride "White Picket Fence Pale" skin color for July 4th, I'm going to do everything in my power to stay out of the sun, aka working more and therefore blogging more.
In the mean time, I've been slightly more active fulfilling the myspace community's lust for me with my clever brand of commentary on pop culture and my comically slanted take on life over at What The Balls?
You can also spend some time reading Drew's Reviews v.2, Zombie Politics.
Look forward to Season 2 of the critically acclaimed and publically adored BROOKLYN WE BACK at a new time, which is yet undetermined, on 88.5 fm.
If you're so lazy that you don't want to do any of the necessary clicking, I'm going to go ahead and post a sample of WTB? for you here to give you something dumb to read, because I think I'm that cool.
Craisins: Make up your fucking mind.
Craisins... Cherry Flavor.
Cranberries fashioned like raisins, then made to taste like cherries?
Aren't they sort of diverging from the original point a bit?
Call me old fashioned, but if I want raisins I'll get me some raisins. If I want cranberries I'll get me some of them too. And if I want something cherry flavored I'll grab some Luden's sugary cough drops.
This kind of flavor mixing offends my sensibilities of what is morally acceptable for public consumption. If raisins and cranberries and cherries want to get together and do their nasty business, that's fine... in the privacy of their own pastures.
This is just another way that the liberal fruit-flavored snack manufacturers are trying to make it okay for unorthodox unions to be possible in this country.
Drew claims that the majority of my Balls posts are more pointless than the one the preceeded it, but I disagree. I say they're more pointlessful.
Either way, similar to the DVD of the Week post that you'd get here, WTB? offers the hilarious Random Picture of the Week. Believe me, you get what you pay for.
And, in case you missed them, here are most of the DVD Picks posts, include some related material.
-DVD’s of the Week – Most recent. Includes “Tortillas Again?” and “Spymate”
-Chuck Norris DVD Pick of the Week – “Good Guys Wear Black”
-Anime Porn DVD Pick of the Week
-My Baby is Black!, Boys Town, Pop Star, Blue Collar etc
-Film Classics of the Urban Variety (critics say, "Best post ever")
-Bikini Girls on Dinosaur Planet, Ganked, Chooch, and Nekromantik
-Samurai Boners, Teen Witch, Lou Ferrigno and Lifetime
-Gay Movies are So Gay V. 1 - Including The Hole and Slutty Summer
-Gay Movies are So Gay V. 2 - Including The Fluffer and No Skin Off My Ass
- Stallone's real masterpiece: Over The Top, Funky Monkey/ Monkey Picks, Twin Sitters etc
Follow up: The REAL Funky Monkey
And some others, just to mix it up:
Adam's first post (about a stalker)
The Cowboy, a Drew/Jordan colabo post
Til next week, O faitful and bored readers who never comment or respond,
-Jordan "Self-promoter of the week"
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