Chuck Norris Movie Of The Week - Good Guys Wear Black
Anyway, trendy or not, the Chuck Norris facts and the craze itself are pretty effing hilarious and I wholeheartedly embrace and endorse this trend.
That being said, I've decided to start a "Chuck Norris Movie Of The Week" series. In fact, he has so many that it might have to be "Of The Day".
So here's the first in our 432 part series:
Note: This cover inspired the idea for this entire series, that's how fucking awesomely Norrisean (I'm coining that term, by the way).
The lesson here: sometimes simplicity works best.
It's just Chuck Norris, with a kick ass stache, a stone cold "I'll fucking kill you" look and reflective sunglasses, like a no-nonsense highway patrolman who takes no guff from the punks... who seem to be skateboarding on his car?
And then there's the title: Good Guys Wear BLACK! It pretty much says it all.
The Plot: Norris plays John T. Booker, an asskicker name if I've ever heard one (and I have: my own), as a... you guessed it, a Vietnam vet who kicked so much unauthorized ass during the war that the C.I.A. is all over his ass. Now his squad is being killed off one by one and Norris has to go straighten some shit out. Heads are gonna roll. You find out in the end that Norris himself is the one who is killing all his squad members, because after the war he had no one left to kill*. It's a really nice Shyamalanian twist ending.
Apparently the reflection of someone jump-kicking a car in his sunglasses on the DVD cover is really a "monumental flying kick that Norris' character, John T. Booker, administers through the windshield of an oncoming car to his would-be assassin (a Vietnamese operative disguised with a blond wig and a Van Dyke!)" -From
If that isn't the most meta thing you've ever seen, I don't know what is - I mean, the picture is of Chuck Norris watching HIMSELF administering a flying jump-kick to a moving car, pulverizing his assassin through the windshield.
Not just that, he is actually seeing his own actions in two different frame through each lens - he see's himself in mid-air in the left lens, and crashing into the guys face in his right lens. Does this even make any sense? Can Chuck Norris really multiply himself in times of extreme danger? Yes, of course he can, he's Chuck Fucking Norris.
When I look at this DVD box I think "FUCK YES". Someone actually came in at 10:15 to rent this, and when he came up to the register with this box I had a reflex reaction and yelled out "FUCK YES!" and then we high-fived. It was really manly and awesome. The guy who rented it also had a mustache
*I made up that twist ending, but it seemed entirely possible that it would be the real ending, didn't it?
Futher Reading: Read about the Chuck Norris siting outside the store