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The Showcase of Depravity

This is the long hard truth. It goes extra deep.

"Comedy's a dead art form. Now tragedy, that's funny." The Showcase of Depravity showcases... depravity. Wisdom and humor from the perspective of a few disgruntled (& sexy) video store professionals.

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Customers doing their part to change the world, one rental at a time

Customer: Was Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang a book?"
Me: No... but it's a pretty good movie
Customer: Hmm... Well, I have a problem supporting Robert Downey Jr. movies, so...
Me: Oh.. OK. Well, I'm not sure he'll really feel the affects of you boycotting a DVD of his movie at a local small town video store, but OK...
Customer: Yea... it's a personal choice of mine.

If it was a book would that have made it justifiable to rent? Perhaps then they could say they've read the book without looking like they support a drug addict's movies.

It always amazes me where people chose to invest their energy and discipline. I've heard all kinds of boycott cries from customers for political reasons, like hating George Clooney and his ultra-left wing politically baised films like Ocean's Twelve and Intolerable Cruelty.

Some might say that the public should stay out of the affairs of the personal lives of celebrities like Robert Downey Jr., or stop caring about the political views of do-gooders and activists like George Clooney, but I say that's not the point. I say once you become a celebrity you should stop having a personal life and stop caring about the world around you, because it's our right as a society to judge you for whatever we want in pettiest form imaginable: movie rental boycotting.



  • At 5:21 PM, Blogger BloomingtonGirl said…

    You missed the opportunity to do the right thing. This Downey movie boycotter should have had his membership revoked on the spot. Heroin or no - and he is clean now, by the way - Downey is a good actor. And besides, he has close relatives in Fairfield so this boycotter is practically thumbing his nose at his very own town.


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